We got to herd sheep! We had this cute Hebrew tour guide named Sarah who took us around. We herded them and had to talk to them from behind. It helped us realize what the shepards of Christ's time had to deal with. Sarah emphasized the fact that if you tried to herd them from the front, you would just scare the sheep. You must lead from behind. We talked about modern day leaders and how the best ones lead from behind too. They're not in the front looking for their own interests. They are leading from the back!
Wells that were used during that time.
This tree is the type of tree that the crown of thorns was made out of. .. but I can't remember the name of the tree. #embarrassing. . .
A Torah scribe! He has to be so careful not to make mistakes. Every thing that you see in this picture is made from kosher objects.
We also made Pita! And Red lentil soup, like what the "pottage" was with Jacob and Esau. We also got to smash hyssop! So yummy. Pottage recipe: Fry onions, red lentils, fill with water. Cummin, paprika, salt pepper (and maybe oregano).

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