This was a cool field trip day! We were able to visit the Shephelah Valleys. These places included many events in the Bible, from the Exodus, the Israelite conquest, Philistines arriving by sea, Samson, Saul's reign, David and Goliah, Solomon's reign, Assyrian attack on Lachish, and Babylonian attack at Lachish. In this pic, we were at Lachish and the other class room was at Azekah (probably a 20-30 minute drive), and we flashed the mirrors back and forth and could see their signals! (This what they did during Biblical times with fires to warn each other of enemies).
Some cool bell caves at Mareshah.
This was also at Mareshah. It is an olive press that is found underground
Elah VALLEY! This is where the famous David and Goliath story took place. This is the brook where David took five stones and used his sling to PONE Goliath on the first throw. We got to try out our own slings and had WAY too much fun.
View from Azekah
Bethshemesh and Sorek Valley! This is near where Samson grew up. There was an excavation in Galilee recently in which a 6th century synagogue full of murals of Samson was found

Today, know know what clicked for me? ISAIAH. It was such a cool enlightening moment. 2 Ne 20:27. I finally understand all of these stories and who attacked who! They aren't just words on a page anymore, they are prophesies that were fulfilled whose lands I have visited. I understand the Babylonian Attack in 586 at Lachish (and soon after Jerusalem was destroyed, which Nephi talks about), and the Assyerian attack in 701. Scriptures are coming to life! I am also learning a lot more about the arc of the covenant. Places that we visited here were really close to the route that the arc of the covenant took went the Philistines took it. Because of their disobedience, it started plaguing them. They tried to get rid of it. A little miracle is found in this story, a miracle that shows that God wants us to see His hand in our lives. They put the arc behind two cows to send it away. These cows had babies, and should have wanted to stay and milk their children, but the Lord led the cows away and directed them toward the Israelite city of Beth Shemesh to get the arc safely home. Quel petit miracle.