Sunday, November 15, 2015

Elder Holland's visit.

Jewish Quarter

 Foot washing basin that was probably similar to the one that Christ must have used when He washed the apostle's feet.
 Pots that were probably similar to the ones used when Christ turned the water into wine.
 Platter that was found in Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem. Similar to what Christ would have used to have the last supper and to break bread on.
 Bar Mistva!
 Jewish tradition for their holiday of Sukkot.
 Entrance to the temple where Christ must have walked. These entrances are now blocked.

These are the mikvah. They were the ritual baths where the Jews bathed before going into the temple. Things that make you ritually unclean involve death, blood and birth. Mary probably used a ritual mikvah before they brought Christ into the temple (Luke 2).

The southwest pinnacle temple where some believe Christ was tempted to jump off by Satan.

 The original southwest corner of the temple where the trumpeters would sound.
